Unforgotten Love
Unforgotten Love
A Perpetual Blessing
Young love and new love tend to steal all of the headlines. There is something exhilarating about finding a spark amidst darkness, and once sparked, flames ignite until they roar, burning their mark into the hearts of the new lovers. The nice thing about love, is that this feeling of connection can happen anytime with anyone, and sometimes with the same person over and over again.
I believe that once love happens it should continue to happen. I honestly can say that once I love someone, they are pretty much stuck with me, even if time has moved us both along to another path, or if we live in different countries and time zones, the connection remains, and it only takes a second on a phone call or a text, or even a casual thought to feel its warmth again. Keeping in touch with those that have touched you may not be an everyday thing, but when holidays come around it’s always fun to reminisce. Author Arthur Brooks has research that shows the “secret to happiness isn’t falling in love; it’s staying in love.” That sounds about right and if it’s true, then I’m doing great.
That said, staying in love doesn’t mean that the love stays the same. Love has to change and morph, it’s its nature to rise and fall, and run then crawl and then from out of nowhere pick up speed again. Whatever form it is today with those folks in your life that somewhere along the way got your heart’s full attention, it’s still there. It may not spark flames of joy like it used to, but it can certainly warm up a memory and maybe rekindle and fortify the friendship that formed because of it. Yep, love has that kind of power, and for me, it always will.
Szenippet: When love joins our journey, it tends to let us take the lead, and then after a while it begins to lead us. When that happens our entire world changes, and love’s power never leaves us again.