Many Happy Returns

Many Happy Returns


Getting a gift from a person you didn’t expect to, or a gift big- ger than the one you thought was appropriate or getting a gift you didn’t need or want at all, can be stressful and make you feel a little uncomfortable. This time of year, this happens a lot. It happens to you and it happens to the person that you just gave a gift to.


Knowing how to receive is as important as how to give. The way you take it, embrace it and acknowledge it is as meaningful as any gift you could ever give in return. The art of receiving is a gift unto itself. And in many cases, accepting a gift the right way is the very gift you give back to the giver.

Children don’t know the right or wrong way to accept a pres- ent, they simply react to it. Remember the innocence and won- der you felt as a child and how you loved the fact that you got everything that you told Santa you wanted. Or conversely how you’d scrunch your nose at the new clothes you always got from Grandma. Remember too, giving your hand-made “do-dad” to your Mom and how she beamed with delight and how you swelled with pride.

This Christmas think about how to receive as well as give. Be gracious. Be honest. Be happy. The look on your face, the twin- kle and spark from your eyes will say it all. People know when you don’t like what you got. They can tell by the shift in your aura. By the twitch in your smile. By the lack of eye contact.

Open up. Let people give. Let them be happy with what they wanted you to have. Let them feel that you care and appreci- ate the effort. Remember there is no gift that you will ever ever receive that has not been considered and thought about and maybe agonized about before its presentation. And for each of us that receive that extra special and thoughtful gift there is a gift giver that swells with pride with your reaction. Their gift is truly in the giving and that’s what makes them happy. So take it, don’t spoil their fun, and know that you are giving them the best gift of all, your gratitude.

Merry Christmas. May every gift you give be the right one.