Turn The Page

 Turn The Page

A Sixty-Word SZEN Story:

Each of the ornaments was wrapped carefully and put back into the box. The stuffed Santa that sat next to the fireplace found his way back into the attic to wait for another year to perform his magic. The singing Angels were silenced, the tree was dismantled and all evidence of Christmas were erased, except we did keep the gifts.

 And more…

The party, the pain, the problems and the promise of last year are over. It’s nice to take a little time to reflect on those we lost, and celebrate those that have joined our lives. For this New Year we get a chance to mentally and psychologically reboot. Our minds can stuff the stuff in its memory place and we can leave space for new dreams and adventures that awaken the explorer in all of us.

May this New Year be a blessing to all of you. May you find the peace and the joy you seek and the friends and the love you need to achieve your dreams. May you be asked to solve a problem that you can fix, a question that you can answer and may you enjoy the many smiles and thanks sent to you for simply being you – a vital part of this wonderful life. Thanks for being here.

Happy New Year. Time to turn the page.

Szenippet: The ability to influence another and to help them find their way is a gift we all possess. And when we share, we change the world.