Delaing with a Funk
Dealing With a Funk
Escaping its hold and influence
I’m going to jump to an assumption here that all of us have experienced the reality of being in a “funk.” A funk is feeling low and out of sorts. It can sometimes last for days and getting through it or out of it can be difficult. That’s because funks can be caused by almost anything that happens to us, stuff that hasn’t happened to us that we wished had happened to us, and stuff that we’re afraid might happen to us. In other words almost anything can cause a gray dark cloud to surround us and get in the way of our being our normal cheerful self. Here are a few suggestions for escaping its grasp.
– Don’t feed it. Funks thrive on brain cells that succumb to notions of gloom and doom. Funks love to build up strength by bringing us down. It’s just a game with them and they’re good at it.
– Don’t blame anyone. Another funk trick is to have us believe that feeling so somber and sad is somebody else’s fault. “They did this to me.” “They will pay, just wait.” Then of course we get hung up on this whole revenge thing, which is usually pointless, untrue and depressing – the perfect breeding ground for funks.
– Talk to it. Funks don’t like to hear logic and good will or anything that might break its hold on us. Humor is an especially potent weapon, so by all means tell your funk some jokes and laugh in its face. You’ll be surprised and how fast the funk will fade.
– Own it. The last best thing to do about a funk that creeps into our life is to recognize it for what it is. It’s born from our own thoughts about events or people or situations and in a weak moment we inadvertently give it life and power; when we really are the ones with the power. By using our minds to shift into a positive state we squeeze the funk out of the available space in or mind.
Sharing can help too. Getting the funk out doesn’t have to be done alone. Find a friend. Share a laugh and move on funk free.