Did You Hear That?

 Did You Hear That?

A Sixty-Word SZEN Story: *

John could not decide. He ran the numbers and weighed all of his options. Both offers were good, though one would force him to move his family. He looked around the house, the pictures of the kids, the marks on the wall measuring their growth, he took it all in and pondered what change would look like. Then he listened.

 And more…

 Throughout history the single driving force for all things to happen is the simple axiom that change is constant. We don’t live in the same way our ancestors did, nor do we think the same way. This is now and that was then. There is also another constant: That is our own internal barometer on what’s what. We have the software inside to imagine, reflect, and decide. We can determine the right and best path to follow.

In our story, John was reflecting on the “what if’s.” We’ve all been there and have had to make decisions that presented hope and growth but also fear of the unknown. How did we decide what’s best? We felt it. Our own internal, soul enriched and ever-ready visceral “gut” feeling is always there to help us. What it says is always the truth. And yet we sometimes miss the signal or ignore the voice. For this to work for us we have to nurture it and not bury it. Our intuition is a valid tool and all we have to do to get the most out of it, is to listen. Did you hear that?

Szenippet: We are wired for greatness. We have the gift of intuition – the internal software to guide us – and we can generate the will power to change our lives right now.

*Always 60 words. No more. No less.