Wishful Thinking
Wishful Thinking
I think that thinking about anything changes that thing. Our thoughts on whatever the subject might be, have an influence on it. Our thoughts surround the subject and somehow rearrange it. For example, this week I have a deadline of Tuesday for some research. I’m behind a bit and really wish I had a few more days and today I was granted a couple of days. Wishful thinking works.
We all have examples of things we think about or concentrate on that come to life. That’s because in the process of thinking we establish a focus and focus channels our thoughts not only on the subject but also on ourselves. Pondering is a way for us to extrapolate the best course of action or develop a better perspective in the process. In both cases we win. And that’s the point. Focus and perspective can form a belief. And a belief becomes our own powerful ambassador in opening our minds and options. We end up getting exactly what we believed we would.
This is powerful and we can apply it right now and to all of the “nows” to come. Belief is a force that even nature can’t ignore. So, believe in positive life changing outcomes and they will happen; believe that you’re stuck, and wishful thinking doesn’t work and that will happen too. It’s your choice. Make a wish.
Szenippet: Our minds create the outcomes in our life. What we see inside becomes a reality outside. What do you see?