The Need to Act
The Need to Act
Have you ever been in a situation or maybe prolonged “season” where things don’t seem to be moving in the right direction? Those times when we feel like we’re maybe going through the motions. We’re not really unhappy, but the bubble over joy we used to experience seems to be out of reach. We maybe even get to feel a bit trapped. We need to mix it up a bit, start something new, clean out the garage, go on trip, change careers, start a new business, write a book – you know the normal stuff. There is a gnawing urge to just act.
Here are a couple of ideas on how to navigate to a new sense of self and get ourselves moving in the right direction:
1. Identify what brought this feeling on. Was it triggered by an event, a fading dream, outside or family pressure to change your life? Did it come right at you or has it been percolating for a while? However it got to now, it took a path. Rewind and connect the dots. Knowing how and why we’re feeling an urge to change can help us make good decisions about what comes next.
2. Once you figure out the “why” then it’s time to think about “what next.” What would pacify that feeling? Whether it’s money, new house, or spouse or fame or pressure from another that’s causing your stress, there will be a corresponding solution. Take a moment to visualize that solution and how exactly it solves the problem.
3.Test your thinking. Sometimes we jump at a solution because it’s available and easy and this can create even more discomfort, or sometimes the solution has so many moving parts that we lose focus on what we’re trying to accomplish. So concentrate on the outcome of your plan and then try to disprove its merits. Challenge your thinking because if we don’t think it through, we could be sorry later.
4. Celebrate the decision. Get excited about your plan of action. Enthusiasm can be a significant driver to success. Just don’t start the parade until you complete number “3”.
5. Hit the reset button. Once we cross over to a new way of thinking we have to maintain that new reality. Be cautious about old habits sneaking in or doubts, about your course of action, getting in the way. It’s your way and if it’s feeling right, it’s right. Good luck and congratulations.
Here are some words of wisdom to help along the journey from Nelson Mandela: “I never lose, I either win or learn.” And finally:
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
Szenippet: The day we decide that we are taking charge of our lives is the day when faith triumphs over doubt and our lives really get interesting.