Making Magic
Magic Making
This is the time of the year when we list all of the things we resolve to change or do or create for ourselves. Then we get a magic wand (any brand will do) and wave it appropriately with our own special magic mantra and voila we’ve changed. We could perform this over and over as many of us do, until we almost believe that it will happen. So why don’t those things, that we so desperately want never arrive? I mean I really could lose the extra weight, get more sleep, read more, exercise etc. – All good stuff and for some reason they just don’t happen. The answer is that we’re not waving the magic wand right. It’s very clearly stated in the instruction manual that we must have faith and believe in our self in order to create what we seek.
Nothing happens until we see it in our mind first. That vision is a goalpost and sets the direction of our actions. And it’s those pesky actions that actually do all the work. Action creates energy and acts like a magnate for that which we desire. Even if we take itsy bitsy baby steps toward reaching our goals, we will feel the draw and soon, what we seek, will begin to move toward us. It’s a win win scenario, and all it takes is action. Not ordinary action like going through the motions, but real actions that we believe will bring our dream to life. Belief is the fuel that makes the action work, and it is embedded in each of us. It’s the creation tool that comes with us when we’re born, and we learn how it works through practice.
If you watch a baby or toddler build something or playing intently, you’re witnessing their practice time for building up their belief muscle. If they can see it, they can do it, or at least they will try. Of course, they get frustrated but that doesn’t stop the effort or the action. I like to believe that we still have that power, and it just needs to be energized with a new vision, destination, or resolution that through faith we can bring to life.
So, before you throw out the magic wand, try it again and this time try it with the faith that whatever you seek will manifest and proceed from there. Faith lessens the strain of work, and it builds confidence. It’s the human secret sauce for living the life of our dreams. Abracadabra. Poof! We’re almost there.
Szenippet: Anything we want, we see first in our mind. That mental picture represents the finished product, like we might see on the outside of a box of a do-it-yourself project. The instructions are inside and even though they may seem daunting we know we can make it happen.